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Product Overview

Automation is key to save time for yourself while your tasks are being completed by machines. We designed our product suit by researching many restaraunts and food serving environment from super magnifying lense of operational excellence.

Common Practice

Most of the restaurants are still using pen paper and person to keep their system running. We see multiple papers , receipts , indents are flowing to keep information flowing from planning to kitchen.

We have automated entire back of office activities like Production from warming up th kitchen by issuing the projected production plan , automated kitchen indent , work station indents for sub reciepe and garnishing.

Our work flow is like rhythm every responsible individual has only the relevant view to action . This work flow bring down the manhour involved drastically. Suddenly paper disappear and they have records on their hand held mobiles.

We urge you to enjoy the time saved with your guests, employees and family.

We urge you to enjoy the time saved with your guests, employees and family.