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Managing a restaurant requires organizing and overseeing many different moving parts. From the food to the accounting, these tasks are hard to keep organized and on point. DigiPoS systems for restaurants are designed to streamline certain tasks and help you run a smooth operation.

  • Faster billing process for both the staff and customer
  • Table Management
  • QSR, Table, Bartab & Delivery Mode
  • Discount and Loyalty
  • Transfer, Split & Merge feature
  • Payment Modes
  • Live KOT Information for ease of order management

Restaurant Types – Fine Dine, Pubs & Bars, Breweries, Pizzeria, Ice Cream Parlours, Quick Service and Cloud Kitchens.

DigiPoS is a Lite and Cost effective way to bring Restaurants on Cloud technology. It gives immense visibility all the way down to every activity an employee performs. DigiPos is feature rich , modern and easy to use restaurant management system which runs fast, efficient and accurate. The ease of implementation coupled with cutting-edge features makes the transition without any disrupt in day to day operations.