Posted on May 24, 2021 in Uncategorized


Waves are part of its nature

This pandemic effect is not going to be over as one new morning. It is going to take time and ripples of recovery. Every serious player has an opportunity to enlarge their game as many weaker aspirants will be swallowed by every dip of the market. Survival of the fittest is an age-old established phenomenon and adaptation is the key. So one needs to ask what practices they are adapting to survive. We all know no single tactic or change of process is enough to breathe in this gloom. We need a complete transformation.

Transform, as mere change may not last

Here is a time to rejig your style in the game, you need to adopt the new strategy to survive and to thrive. It demands a radical change in approach and thinking. We must start to visualize how the new breed may look, so let’s begin to transform……

Become Omnibus

No marks to say you get to go omni channel or multichannel to remain in the mindshare of your acquired or target customers by dine-in online deliveries, influencing channels, digital menus, and almost every possible way you keep delivering. The trick is above all acquisition and retaining techniques go in vain if you are not been able to serve them seamlessly, you need a single system that can integrate orders from third parties like Swiggy, Zomato, or Amazon. Please create your communication channel where customers can book online slots and take away from you and incentivize them extra. Once you realize this please assess how can you enable it seamlessly? One dashboard serves all. If not please explore

Become & stay lean

This pandemic allowed you to focus on core activities on the floor, kitchen and purchases, here is the chance to break the established norms of people, stock, and purchase style. Every penny saved will be every penny earned. There are many flaws of operations that can be removed with the simple intervention of technology. Do everything in the optimal way every section must be operated to add and not to just exist. Just think how many people and processes required from guest check-in to check out. Know more with

Become selling machine

It will be difficult to get trained staff at effective cost so make time for them through hybrid communication, where menial activities like taking orders, barking and delivering become idiot-proof, and staff spends time only to increase sales by upselling or cross-sell. With off-premise rising, typically high-margin items will see slower sales. Make sure you have combos available to prompt larger purchases.

Once they are back, take advantage of impulse purchases. Think of your process or menu can increase repeat orders if

Become mean on the menu

Re-evaluate what should be available online and offline. Restrict what items can be ordered for off-premise are based on what travels well. Don’t forget to analyze cost vs popularity every damn fortnight. Every wrong menu item on the card is a leech. If you don’t know how? Now is the time to become an are expert or talk to an expert

Become miser at procurement

The efficient purchase has laid a path of economic success agelessly. Look at your vendor contracts and contract process, how you can always ensure that you are buying the best in terms of quality and price. This function is the most bleed-prone and needs extremely tight control. We observed this is one of the most ignorant spaces when it comes to upgrading. Coming times will test your resiliency and this is the electrolyte of your restaurant. You need an innovative technology-driven process enabler who always forces you to purchase lean and mean. Know more at

This newsletter is a nudge for our readers for transforming their very processes of the past, new times will be unforgiving for many who get stuck with the past.

We at Digitory are learning and developing all next-generation restaurant practices, we urge to you connect and discuss your limitations to thrive. These lockdown waves are not time be hibernate but it is a time to prepare for the tough time ahead.

We, partner to keep you ahead of the curve, please connect with us.


Digitory Customer Success team

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